what is ICT ?? (definitions) ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. ICT includes computing devices like computer ,laptops ,tablets other devices ,communication channels such as mobiles phones ,TVs , Radios etc ,software ,applications etc .ict involv
es processing or information and communication of information ,various services ,business applications etc.
1. ICT can be defined as the use of diverse mixture of technology tools and resources ,like computer hardware &software ,communication hardware &software ,for efficient management of information..
the information management involves storage ,retrieval ,processing , sorting and communication information for effective execution of a particular task...
2.. ICT involves transmission ,storage ,creation ,retrieval ,sharing and exchange of information using various forms of technologies . e.g. ICT includes technologies such as radio ,TV, Video ,telephones , mobiles ,satellite systems , computer networks etc .. obviously ,ICT includes hardware equipment ,software , services associated with these technologies ...
3..in short , we can say that EXCHANGE of information using computer and communication technologies is ICT ....